Thursday, August 26, 2010

Crabby the Crab

You will need:
  • a paper plate
  • 2 small pieces of light colored paper
  • scissors
  • red paint
  • googly eyes
  • glue
  1. Have child paint plate and paper with red paint (try to have them cover the whole thing in red). Let dry.
  2. Cut plate in half. From one half, cut two claws. From one piece of paper, cut two small strips. From other piece, cut two larger strips for arms.
  3. Fan fold the arms.
  4. Turn over half plate. Glue small strips of paper to top of plate.
  5. Turn plate over and glue googly eyes to ends of paper.
  6. Glue "arms" to sides of the plate. Then glue claws to the ends of the arms. Let dry.
Rory said he has "pinchers". She likes Mr. Crabby :)