Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fruit Pizza

You will need:
One tube refrigerated sugar cookie dough
one bar cream cheese
one container marshmallow fluff
fruit of choice, chopped

First, spread cookie dough out and cook according to directions. Let cool. Meanwhile, mix cream cheese and fluff until smooth.

Also, dice your fruit and mix together.

After cookie is completely cool, spread fluff mixture on top. Spread out fruit. Enjoy!

"F" is for Fox

You will need:
Background paper and white paper
brown felt
googly eyes
brown and white paint

On the white paper, draw a large "F". Let child paint it with light brown (brown and white mixed). Let dry.

Next, cut out the "F". Let child help glue the "F" to the background paper. (Big brothers like to help!)

Next, cut out a tail, two ears and a nose from the felt. Let child help glue those on.

Finally, add the googly eye. Add to the Alphabet book!

Fish Bowl

You will need:
background paper, blue paper and white paper
paint color of choice

On the white paper, draw some fish. You can do as many or as little as you like.
Add glitter to paint. Have your child paint the fish with the glittery paint. Let dry.
On another piece of white paper, draw a fish bowl shape. Then on blue paper, draw and cut out "water". Have child help glue all together onto background paper.

Cut out dry fish. Add dots of glue for number of fish. Have your child glue them on. A good counting game too!

Now you have fishies in a bowl!
Now you have fishies in a bowl!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


For our "E" snack, I decided to go the easy route and just buy some mini frozen eclaires. The kids LOVED them!!!

Hand and foot Elk

You will need:
white paper and background paper
brown paint ( was going to use brown and white to make a lighter color but we used a marker)
googly eyes

Trace your childs hands and one foot.

Separate hands from foot. Let child paint hands dark brown. Let dry.

Let child color/paint foot with a lighter brown color.

Cut all out. Glue foot to background paper.

Glue hands to the top of the foot for antlers.

Glue eyes onto the foot.

Finished Elk

"E" is for Elephant

You will need:
2 pieces of light colored paper and another paper for background
Gray paint (or black and white to mix)
googly eye

Draw a large "E" on one light colored paper. On the other, draw a trunk and ear.

Let your child paint the "E", the trunk and the ear gray.
Cut out all pieces. Have child help glue the "E" to the background paper.

Glue the trunk to top part of "E".

Glue ear to the back of the "E".

Glue the eye to the middle of the top part of "E".

Finished Elephant

Elmo mask

You will need: 
light colored paper
red, orange, black and white paint
craft stick
googly eyes

First draw an Elmo face onto light colored paper. I found my "stencil" here. Then draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth onto light colored paper also. See above picture. Then let child paint Elmo's face red.

Next let child paint the nose orange.

Next, let the child paint the eyes white. Rory got frustrated because she "couldn't see it". LOL!

Next, let your child paint the mouth black. Let all dry.

Once all is dry, cut out all of the pieces. Have child help glue nose onto the face.

Then glue the eyes on top of part of the nose (overlap them).

Next, glue on Elmo's mouth.

Next, glue googly eyes onto the white eyes. Let glue dry.

While the glue is drying, cut an Elmo shape out of cardboard. Make it just a little smaller than the Elmo face. Then, glue the craft stick to the cardboard.

Finally, glue the Elmo face onto the cardboard. Let dry.

Finished mask

Rory as Elmo